Abstract Submission Deadline: April 14, 2025
Papers are solicited for this conference describing original work in the field of ultrasonics. A 1-page abstract should be submitted according to the specifications below.
Each abstract will receive careful review and evaluation by the Symposium Technical Program Committee. Evaluation criteria will include originality of the work, contribution to the state of the art, and overall interest to the ultrasonics community.
If your abstract is accepted, authors will be required to upload a pre-recorded video. These will be uploaded to the virtual platform. We highly encourage authors to have a presenter who is onsite at the conference to present live.
Preparation Instructions
- Abstract without an image: Text should be no more than 2500 characters, excluding spaces, title, and section headers. It must be contained within one page.
- Abstract with an image: Text with an image should be no more than 2000 characters, excluding spaces, title, and section headers. The image must be scaled such that the entire abstract only spans one page.
- Figure captions are strictly not allowed (i.e., do not include text such as “Fig. 1. Representative results”). Refer to the image within the main abstract text.
- The image, if included, may contain subfigures and labels.
- References, if included, are considered as part of the abstract’s character count.
- Overlength abstracts and those containing figure captions will be returned without peer review.
Anonymized Submission Requirements
- Please do not include author names, affiliations, and email addresses in the abstract. All abstracts will be subjected to a double-blind review. Abstracts that contain author information will by default be rejected.
- Please avoid using terminology that might reveal the authors’ identities. For example, avoid self-citation phrases such as “we have previously shown (reference)…”.
- Any cited reference within the abstract must be anonymized.
- Please do not include sponsored research funding information in the abstract.
- If your submission includes an ethical statement, please do not include specific review board names. Instead, use more generic phrases such as ‘The protocol was approved by an institutional review board’.
Templates Available
Use our templates to meet the formatting requirements below. Your abstract must comply with the following specifications:
- Abstract Length: 1 page, including figures, tables, etc
- Abstract Size: US Letter (8.5″ x 11″) or A4 (210mm X 297mm)
- Fonts: Embed ALL fonts in your PDF file. Avoid the use of Type 3 fonts.
- File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
- Allowed File Size: 5.0MB
- Do NOT page number your abstract
- Do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
Full Paper Submission for Publication
Submission of a conference paper, up to four pages, will be highly encouraged at a later date for authors whose abstracts are accepted at the conference.